First time fishing

 The first time I went fishing was 1965 I was 5 years old,My dad was a mechanic and often did work in all or part trade. this time he got a rod with a reel similar to the one above , bought worms at the gas station and drove to a single lane expanded steel bridge near our house parked in the middle of it got out and started fishing. Back then you could sit on that bridge for days and not have a problem. it was a cold day with occasional sleet, he fished about half an hour then came to the car got my oldest brother and let him fish, what seemed like a long time but was only about 10 minutes then returned and got my next older brother and did the same.finaly it was my turn, not that I thought I would get one, he told me to keep my finger on the line and if I felt anything to tell him I never did feel anything but the cold. He fished about a half an hour longer then we headed home.
